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My Policies

Code of Conduct

As a member of REPs, Wendy Spencer-Smith (Creative Fitness) has to adhere to its Code of Conduct. This can be found at:

Anchor 1

Children's Creative Fitness Online Classes

When we are on Zoom together:


  • The link for the Zoom meeting is sent by email - please don’t share this with anyone else. If someone wants to join in – please ask them to email me for their own link. That way, I know who is present. Just like our face-to-face sessions, only children, their parents and siblings belonging to our dance group come into the halls; so only those people can be present in our Zoom session.

  • We arrive dressed as we normally would for our dance class. So, we will all have to get out of our PJs! It will help with your movements and increase the enjoyment of your experience if you are dressed appropriately.  

  • I don’t want to completely rule out taking screenshots or videos while we are on Zoom because we may need to do this as part of our dance sessions. But please be very mindful of what you use these photographs for. There are some children participating in the session who do not want their pictures posted on social media. If you do take photos or videos to put on social media, please only take them of your own child.

  • We show respect when we’re together and try hard to listen to each other. This can be a bit difficult when using Zoom because it is hard to tell who wants to speak next and it can become very confusing if everyone talks at the same time. Hand signals can be really useful when using Zoom. So, we can use thumbs up if we have understood something or are happy and thumbs down for the reverse. Zoom is new to me, so I’m still learning but we will initially try hands up when we want to speak. Can you think of any other hand signals that will be useful when we are using Zoom?

  • Parents, please note that at some points in the session I will mute all the children. This is because if someone speaks or a dog barks etc. it cuts all other noise out including the music we will be dancing to. So, we will have very disjointed music and instructions from me if I don’t mute everyone. Therefore, when I put the music on, I will be muting the children. Please stay within hearing distance of your child in case they need help because if they call for help whilst on mute, I won’t hear them.

  • The adult in the child’s house is always in charge of the technology and they decide what is on screen.

  • The adult in the child’s house is responsible for the area that the child will be dancing in. They need to ensure that the area is clear and safe. Also, that any distractions such as pets are kept away during the session.

  • Please understand that my coaching is for general guidance and motivation. It is the adult in the child’s house who is responsible for the child’s safety in every aspect. They need to be aware of the child’s capabilities and the child should only to do what they are comfortable with and what can be done safely. Medical advice should be sought from professionals if in any doubt.


  •  Please remember to stay hydrated throughout the session

Anchor 2

Personal Data

This notice explains what personal data (information) Creative Fitness (Wendy Spencer-Smith) will hold about you, how it is collected, and how it is used and whom that information is passed onto. It is a requirement by law to notify you of this information, under data protection legislation.

Please ensure that you read this notice (sometimes referred to as a ‘privacy notice’).

Who collects the information

Creative Fitness is a ‘data controller’ and gathers and uses certain information about you. References to CF means Creative Fitness


Data protection principles

CF will comply with the data protection principles when gathering and using personal information.

About the information CF collects and hold

CF may collect the following information about you:

  • Your name and contact details (i.e. address, home and mobile phone numbers, email address)

  • Your gender and age

  • Your occupation

  • Your next of kin, parent or guardian details

  • Your emergency contact to be used whilst in a session

  • Your doctor's name and contact details

  • Your answers in response to the health questionnaire

  • Your consent to participate in the exercise session

  • Your consent/or conditions of consent to photography or filming


How we collect the information

CF collects this information via a questionnaire completed by you or, in the case of a child, completed by a parent or guardian.

Why we collect the information and how we use it

CF collects the above information for the following reasons:

  • Your health and safety of and for use in the event of an emergency.

  • To contact you e.g. if a session is cancelled.

  • To promote sessions that may be of interest to you.

How we may share the information

Information will only be shared with health professionals when needed and other professionals when needed e.g. in a safeguarding issue.

Where information may be held

  • Information may be stored on paper session registers which will be brought to and from sessions so that the information is available in the event of an emergency. When not in direct use, registers will be stored securely.

  • Information may be stored on CF electronic devices and memory devices.

  • The original form that you complete will be stored securely.

How long we keep your information

As the information contains permission for photography and video to be put on the internet and there is an indefinite time that they will remain on the internet, the information will be kept indefinitely. Please notify CF if you do not wish to receive further promotions from CF.

Anchor 3

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults and Children

Policy Statement

Creative Fitness (CF) has a duty of care to safeguard all children and young people involved in fitness-related activities from harm. All children have a right to protection, and the needs of disabled children and others who may be particularly vulnerable must be considered. CF will promote the safety and protection of all children involved in fitness activities through adherence to the Child Protection guidelines.



A child is anyone who has not yet reached their 18th birthday. The fact that a child has reached 16 years of age is living independently or is in further education, a member of the armed forces does not change their status or entitlement to services or protection under the Children Act 1989. The word child/children will be used throughout this policy.


Any adult aged 18 or over who, due to disability, mental function, age or illness or traumatic circumstances, may not be able to take care or protect themselves.


The process of protecting children from abuse or neglect, preventing impairment of their health and development, and ensuring they are growing up in circumstances with the provision of safe and effective care that enables children to have optimum life changes and enter adulthood successfully.


A part of safeguarding and promoting welfare. This refers to the activity which is undertaken to protect children/specific adults who are suffering, or are at risk of suffering significant harm, including neglect


Who is responsible for safeguarding children?

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. Therefore, everyone who works with young people and children has a responsibility to keep them safe. It is also important to recognise that some children and young people are more vulnerable than others. This may include children with specialist behavioural, physical and mental needs. CF’s goal is to create an environment where all children can improve and be happy. CF staff and volunteers have a duty of care when working with children.

Responding to concerns allegations or suspicions

It is not the responsibility of CF to decide whether or not child abuse has taken place. However, there is a responsibility to act on any concerns by reporting these to the appropriate authorities.

CF child safeguarding objectives

  • To promote positive practice and challenge bad practice

  • To ensure that CF staff are able to distinguish and recognize the signs of abuse, neglect and be able to respond accordingly.

  • To ensure that CF staff are trained at a suitable level.

  • To ensure that staff working in CF and working with children have had the necessary pre-recruitment checks, safeguarding training and DBS checks.


CF’s responsibilities

CF must ensure that:

There is a designated child protection person to take the lead on all safeguarding issues. Wendy Spencer-Smith is the designated child protection person for CF.

The responsibilities of this person should include:

  • Promotion of the welfare of children and the importance of safeguarding

  • Responding to bad practice concerns

  • Liaising with local agencies such as social services if required

  • Ensuring all CF staff who are working with children receive suitable training on safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the children which is regularly updated.

  • Maintain confidentiality in relation to concerns and issues that arise.


CF good practice guidelines

  • Always work in an open environment. Appropriate adults e.g. parents, teachers etc. are always welcome to observe CF sessions.

  • Treat all young people/vulnerable adults equally and with respect and dignity.

  • Always put the welfare of each young person/vulnerable adult first, before achieving goals.

  • Build balanced relationships based on mutual trust which empowers children to share in the decision-making process.

  • Make sport fun, enjoyable and promote fair play.

  • Ensure that if any form of manual/physical support is required, it should be provided openly and with the child’s permission.

  • Give enthusiastic and constructive feedback rather than negative criticism.

  • Recognise the developmental needs and capacity of young people and vulnerable adults and avoid pushing them against their will.

  • Risk assess premises.

  • To ensure parents complete a health questionnaire for their child.

  • Keep a written record of any injury that occurs, along with the details of any treatment given


Practice never to be condoned

  • Encourage children or adults to bully others verbally, racially or physically

  • Allow allegations to go on and be unrecorded


CF staff training

  • CF staff must gain a nationally recognised First Aid qualification.

  • CF staff who are working with children receive suitable training on safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the children which is regularly updated.


Use of photographic/filming equipment at CF

Parents/guardians/teachers should be made aware that photography and videoing may occur during fitness activities. Whilst CF will not use images of a child without permission, CF cannot be responsible for who is taking photographs/recordings at public events and some sessions. Therefore, if a child performs in a public event or attends sessions where photographs or filming is taking place and the child’s guardian allows this, there is an understanding that CF has no control over what photographs/videos are being taken of the child or what is subsequently done with them.


Complaints against CF

In the first instance, concerns should be referred to the designated child protection person (Wendy Spencer-Smith).

If the concern is regarding the designated child protection person then concerns can be reported to:

  • The local authority child protection team

  • The police on 999 in an emergency or otherwise 101

  • NSPCC Child Protection Helpline on 0808-8005000

  • ChildLine on 0800-1111

  • Other agencies which come into contact with the child e.g. the child’s school or GP

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